OEIS complex
The OEIS complex refers to the combined occurrence of:
- an omphalocele
- bladder exstrophy / cloacal exstrophy
- an imperforate anus
- and spinal anomalies: e.g
The estimated occurrence is at around 1-200,000 to 400,000 live births .
Possible embryologic mechanisms proposed for these findings include
- a single defect of early blastogenesis or
- a defect of mesodermal migration during the primitive streak period
Siehe auch:
- Analatresie
- Blasenekstrophie
- Halbwirbel
- Omphalozele
- Kloakenekstrophie
- maternal serum alpha feto protein levels are markedly elevated
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu OEIS complex: