posterior fossa emissary veins
V. jugularis links mit entsprechend kräftiger Drainage über V. emissaria mastoidea. Diese mündet in die V. occipitalis, welche in diesem Fall als kräftiges, geschlängeltes Gefäß nach unten Anschluss an die V. subclavia findet.
fossa emissary veins. The axial drawing illustrates petrosquamosal emissary vein and its relation to dural venous system. 1, transverse sinus; 2, sigmoid sinus; 3, inferior petrosal sinus; 4, superior petrosal sinus; 5, petrosquamosal sinüs draining into retromandibular vein; 6, retromandibular vein draining into the external jugular vein; 7, sphenoparietal sinus
fossa emissary veins. Axial temporal bone high-resolution CT demonstrates bilateral petrosquamosal sinuses (black arrows) and opacification of the right middle ear (white arrow)
fossa emissary veins. Axial temporal bone high-resolution CT demonstrates bilateral petrosquamosal sinuses (black arrows) and opacification of the right middle ear (white arrow)
fossa emissary veins. Axial CT images show bilateral mastoid emissary veins, indicated by black arrows
fossa emissary veins. Axial CT images show bilateral mastoid emissary veins, indicated by black arrows
fossa emissary veins. Sagittal and axial CT images in a different patient display incidentally detected left condylar emissary vein, indicated by black arrows
fossa emissary veins. Sagittal and axial CT images in a different patient display incidentally detected left condylar emissary vein, indicated by black arrows
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Venae emissariae der hinteren Schädelgrube: