Vena emissaria condylaris

emissaria condylaris als kräftiges Gefäß vom Übergang des Sinus sigmoideus / V. jugularis zum posterioren Venenplexus der Halswirbelsäule. Rechts deutlicher als links.

fossa emissary veins. Sagittal and axial CT images in a different patient display incidentally detected left condylar emissary vein, indicated by black arrows

fossa emissary veins. Sagittal and axial CT images in a different patient display incidentally detected left condylar emissary vein, indicated by black arrows

veins (skull) • Enlarged condylar emissary vein - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
The condylar emissary veins (anterior, lateral, posterior) are major posterior cranial fossa emissary veins:
- anterior condylar vein connects the internal vertebral venous plexus to the internal jugular vein
- lateral and posterior condylar veins connect the external vertebral venous system with the internal jugular vein
Radiographic features
The posterior condylar vein is the most readily seen of the condylar emissary veins on imaging. It connects the deep cervical vein and the horizontal portion of the vertebral artery venous plexus with the superior bulb of the internal jugular vein. Therefore, the posterior condylar vein and deep cervical vein dilate significantly in internal jugular vein thrombosis.
Siehe auch:
- Canalis condylaris
- Venae emissariae
- Venae emissariae der hinteren Schädelgrube
- Vena condilea posterior
- Plexus venosus vertebralis externus
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