proximale Frakturen Os metatarsale 5

Jones-Fraktur: Keine Beteiligung des tarsometatarsalen, aber knapp des intermetatarsalen Gelenks. Höhere Gefahr einer Pseudarthrose als bei der proximaleren Avulsion der Tuberositas.

The proximal 5 metatarsal is the site of a number of fractures and variants which mimic fractures. These include:
- stress fracture of the 5 metatarsal
- Jones fracture
- avulsion fracture of the proximal 5 metatarsal
- accessory ossicles
- normal apophysis of the proximal 5 metatarsal
The biomechanics of the fractures differ as do their natural history and treatment, therefore an understanding of these entities is important.
Some classifications have also been described for explaining proximal 5 metatarsal fractures, their prognosis, and management options:
Siehe auch:
- Avulsionsfraktur Basis Metatarsale 5
- normale Apophyse proximal am Os metatarsale 5
- Os peroneum
- Jones-Fraktur
- Frakturen der Metatarsalia
- Stressfraktur 5. Mittelfußknochen
und weiter:

5. Mittelfußknochen
Apophyse proximal am Os metatarsale 5