renovaskuläre arterielle Hypertonie
Renovascular hypertension (RVH) is a type of secondary hypertension, where high blood pressure develops secondary to renal artery disease.
Approximately 2.5% (range 0.5-5%) of hypertensive patients will have RVH as a cause .
There are a number of conditions that can cause RVH :
- atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis (~90%)
- fibromuscular dysplasia (second most common)
There are other causes that can cause renal artery obstruction but these are much rarer :
- renal artery dissection (e.g. from trauma or aortic dissection)
- renal infarction
- Page kidney
- renal artery embolism or thrombosis
- EVAR stent graft
- encircling tumor (e.g. pheochromocytoma)
- radiation-induced fibrosis
- polyarteritis nodosa
Treatment and prognosis
Treatment of the underlying cause has variable effect . RVH can lead to ischemic nephropathy and end-stage renal failure .
Siehe auch:
- Polyarteriitis nodosa
- Neurofibromatose Typ 1
- Fibromuskuläre Dysplasie
- Vaskulitis
- Nierenarterienstenose
- Takayasu-Arteriitis
- thorakale Aortendissektion
- Arterielle Hypertonie
- Atherosklerose
- Resistance-Index Niere
- Transplantatniere
- Schrumpfniere
- Stenting Nierenarterien
- Mid-Aortic-Syndrom
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu renovaskuläre arterielle Hypertonie: