rupturierte intrakranielle Dermoidzyste
resonance imaging of sellar and juxtasellar abnormalities in the paediatric population: an imaging review. Dermoid. Sagittal (a) and axial (b) T1WI shows an extra-axial lesion in the suprasellar cistern which has high signal. Multiple small foci with high signal are seen in the sulci and within the left lateral ventricle representing ruptured dermoid contents in the leptomeninges
rupturierte intrakranielle Dermoidzyste
Siehe auch:
- intrakranielle Epidermoidzyste
- Dermoidzyste
- intrakranielles Fett
- intraventricular epidermoid
- Fett im Subarachnoidalraum
- Epidermoidzyste vs Dermoidzyste
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu rupturierte intrakranielle Dermoidzyste: