small bowel volvulus due to Meckel's diverticulum

Diverticulum Volvulus: A rare cause of intestinal obstruction. Duodenum and all small-bowel loops were severely dilated

Diverticulum Volvulus: A rare cause of intestinal obstruction. In the transition between normal and dilated loops at the level of the distal ileum, a circumferential thickening of the bowel wall with an associated endoluminal polypoid-like image was found.

Diverticulum Volvulus: A rare cause of intestinal obstruction. Large bowel and the terminal 5 centimetres of the ileum were collapsed.

Diverticulum Volvulus: A rare cause of intestinal obstruction. Large bowel and the terminal 5 centimetres of the ileum were collapsed.

Diverticulum Volvulus: A rare cause of intestinal obstruction. Duodenum and all small-bowel loops were severely dilated (not the stomach since a nasogastric tube was placed)
Dünndarmvolvulus durch Meckel-Divertikel
small bowel volvulus due to Meckel's diverticulum
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