Spermatic cord contents (mnemonic)

Handy mnemonics to recall the contents of the spermatic cord are:

  • Papers Don't Contribute To A Good Specialist Level
  • 3 arteries, 3 nerves, 3 fascias, 3 other things


Papers Don't Contribute To A Good Specialist Level
3 arteries, 3 nerves, 3 fascias, 3 other things
  • 3 arteries: testicular, deferential, cremasteric
  • 3 nerves: genital branch of the genitofemoral, cremasteric nerve*, sympathetic nerve fibers
  • 3 fascias: external spermatic fascia, cremasteric fascia, internal spermatic fascia
  • 3 other things: ductus deferens, pampiniform plexus, lymphatic vessels

*NB some texts do not include the cremasteric nerve