
canal dehiscence in a patient with three failed stapedectomy operations for otosclerosis: a case report. High-resolution computed tomographic (CT) scan showing a left stapes prosthesis. There appears to be an otospongiotic focus by the anterior lip of the stapes footplate. The platinum-Teflon prostheses appear to be extending deep into the vestibule.

prosthesis • Otosclerosis and stapes prosthesis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

prosthesis • Stapes prosthesis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

prosthesis • Stapes prosthesis - medial migration - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

• Bilateral otosclerosis with left stapes prosthesis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Stapes prosthesis (plural: stapes prostheses) are used in the stapedectomy surgery procedure which aims to improve conductive hearing loss due to oval window closure secondary to otosclerosis or post inflammatory conditions. The procedure is also performed to correct congenital abnormalities or discontinuity or fracture resulting from prior base of skull trauma.
It is important to remember that the stapes has a base which seals the oval window and conducts vibrations to the cochlea.
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