superior sagittal sinus

desc}} ==
{{Gray"s Anatomy plate}} == {{int:license-header}} == [[Category:Veins]] [[Category:Neuroanatomy]] [[Category:Human brain (superior view)]] [[Category:Meninges]] [[Category:Dura mater]] [[Category:Media missing infob

sagittal sinus • Head and neck vessels (illustrations) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

sagittal sinus • Superior sagittal sinus (illustration) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

sagittal sinus • Cerebral veins (diagram) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

sagittal sinus • Hypoplastic rostral superior sagittal sinus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

sagittal sinus • Dural venous sinuses (Gray's illustrations) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

venous thrombosis • Brain venous vascular territories (diagram) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

venous thrombosis • Venous vascular territories of the lateral cerebral cortex (illustration) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

venous thrombosis • Venous vascular territories of the medial cerebral cortex (illustration) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
The superior sagittal sinus (SSS) is the largest dural venous sinus. As the name suggests, it runs in a sagittal plane in the superior aspect of the falx cerebri. It extends from the foramen cecum anteriorly to its termination at the confluence of sinuses at the internal occipital protuberance posteriorly, where it usually proceeds rightward and into the right transverse sinus. It receives venous blood from many and varied veins of the superficial cortical veins of the cerebral hemispheres.
Normal variants
Anatomic variations of the superior sagittal sinus are frequent. This includes:
- variations in the anterior (rostral) superior sagittal sinus (most frequent)
- hypoplasia of the middle part of the superior sagittal sinus
Four types of variations of the anterior (rostral) superior sagittal sinus may be identified:
- classic anatomy with a fully developed rostral superior sagittal sinus
- duplication of the rostral superior sagittal sinus
- unilateral hypoplastic rostral superior sagittal sinus
- complete or bilateral hypoplastic rostral superior sagittal sinus: in those cases of complete hypoplastic rostral superior sagittal sinus, the absent portion is replaced by a pair of large parasagittal superior frontal cortical veins that run dorsally to join the origin of the superior sagittal sinus close to the coronal suture
Siehe auch:
- Sinus durae matris
- Sinus transversus
- Confluens sinuum
- Sinus sagittalis inferior
- lateral lacunae of superior sagittal sinus
und weiter:
- durale AV-Fistel
- superficial middle cerebral vein
- empty delta sign
- neuroradiologisches Curriculum
- inferior sagittal sinus
- Vena anastomotica superior (Trolard Vene)
- superior cerebral veins
- persistierender Sinus falcinus
- superior anastamotic vein
- sagittal sinus
- torcula herophili
- calcifications sinus sagittalis
- normale intrakranielle Verkalkungen
- Vena emissaria parietalis