Testicular germ cell tumor
Testicular germ cell tumors account for 90% of primary tumors of the testes. They are the most common nonhaematologic malignancy in men 15-49 years old.
They are divided into:
- testicular seminoma: 40% of germ cell tumors
- non-seminomatous germ cell tumor: 60% of germ cell tumors
- testicular embryonal cell carcinoma
- testicular choriocarcinoma
- testicular yolk sac tumor
- testicular teratoma
- testicular mixed germ cell tumor: 15% (typically one or more NSGCT and seminoma)
- testicular non-germ cell tumor: 10% of primary tumors
Testicular germ cell tumors may "burn out" after metastasizing, only leaving a small calcific intratesticular focus behind.
Siehe auch:
- Seminom
- Teratom des Hodens
- nichtseminomatöser Keimzelltumor
- testicular mixed germ cell tumour
- primary tumours of the testes
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