tricuspid valve

desc}} ==
{{Information |description = |Other fields 1 = {{Information field|Name={{Ucfirst:{{Plate}}}}|Value=495}} |date = {{Other date|before|1858}} |source = *{{cite book |year=1918 |author=[[:en:Henry Gray|Henry Gray]] |title=Anatomy of the Human Body }} (See "{{Section header|Book}}" section below) *{{Gray"s Anatomy/link|495}} |author = {{Creator:Henry Vandyke Carter}} |other_versions = |permission = }} == {{Section header|Book}} == {{Gray"s Anatomy}} =={{int:license-header}}== {{PD-scan|PD-old-100-1923}} [[Category:Gray"s Anatomy plates|0495]] [[Category:He

Schrittmacherkabel bei epikardialen Schrittmacher. Zusätzlich Trikuspidalklappenersatz bei Ebstein-Anomalie.
The tricuspid valve (TV) is one of the four cardiac valves. It is one of the two atrioventricular valves (AVs) and allows blood to flow from the right atrium to the right ventricle. It opens during diastole and closes during systole. The valve has anterior, posterior and septal leaflets (cusps), the bases of which attach around the AV orifice to the fibrous ring (fibrous skeleton of the heart). The chordae tendineae are thin strong inelastic fibrous cords that extend from the free edge of the cusps to the apices of the papillary muscles within the right ventricle:
- anterior cusp attaches to the anterior and septal papillary muscles
- posterior cusp attaches to the anterior and posterior papillary muscles
- septal cusp attaches to the posterior and septal papillary muscles
Siehe auch:
- tricuspid atresia
- Trikuspidalklappenersatz
- Trikuspidalklappeninsuffizienz
- Trikuspidalklappenstenose
- Erkrankungen der Trikuspidalklappe
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