Ureteric obstruction

Harnstau Grad
3: Nierenbecken und Kelche sind deutlich erweitert und das Parenchym ist erheblich verschmälert. Die Struktur der Niere ist aber noch nicht komplett aufgehoben, wie es bei einer Sackniere der Fall wäre.

Harnleiterstein rechts mit deutlichem Aufstau. Nebenbefundlich verkalkte mesenteriale Lymphknoten.

complication of renal malrotation. CT with 3-D reconstruction demonstrates a malrotated right kidney with an anterior-facing renal hilum and its relation with the ureter and pelvis.

Renal sinus
cyst: an unusual cause of obstructive uropathy. Right kidney ultrasound shows dilatated calyces (black arrow) as well the presence of a renal sinus cyst (white arrow). The renal parenchyma has a reduced thickness (*).

Renal sinus
cyst: an unusual cause of obstructive uropathy. CT shows that the obstructive uropathy is caused by a renal sinus cyst (*). The pelviureteric junction is compressed and deviated posteriorly (arrow) by the cyst.

endometrial carcinoma recurrence: MRI including diffusion-weighted imaging. Axial (a...c in craniocaudal order) and coronal (d) images showed development of left-sided hydronephrosis (thick arrows) with delayed nephrogram, caused by ipsilateral pelvic mass (arrows).
An obstructive uropathy is a catch-all term encompassing any cause of complete or partial, congenital or acquired, and permanent or intermittent obstruction of the urinary tract. Depending on the severity of obstruction and extent, it may result in permanent change in both the collecting system proximal to the obstruction and to the renal parenchyma which normally drains into the affected collecting system.
Causes include:
- ureter
- bladder
- urethra
Siehe auch:
- Harnstau Gradeinteilung
- Urolithiasis
- Ureterozele
- Ureterabgangsstenose
- benigne Prostatahyperplasie
- Urethralklappe
- urethral atresia
- Ureterostiumstenose
- retrocavaler Verlauf des Ureters
- transitional cell carcinoma of the ureter
- Ureterstenose
- Transitionalzellkarzinom der Blase
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