Varadi-Papp syndrome
Juberg-Hayward syndrome (JHS), also known as the oro-cranio-digital syndrome, is a rare autosomal recessive syndrome characterized by the association of the following:
- growth retardation
- microcephaly
- cleft lip and palate
- minor vertebral and rib anomalies
- horseshoe kidneys
- thumb anomalies
- radial ray anomalies
Siehe auch:
- Arteria vertebralis
- Hufeisenniere
- Mikrozephalie
- Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumen-Spalte
- Goldenhar-Gorlin-Syndrom
- dreigliedriger Daumen
- Joubert-Syndrom
- OFM Nager-Syndrom
- Oro-fazio-digitales Syndrom
- LARD (lakrimoaurikuloradiodentales Syndrom)
- Radialstrahldefekte
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Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Varadi-Papp-Syndrom: