Venous drainage of the foot
Venous drainage of the foot can be divided into two main components. Plantar veins, draining the sole (plantar surface) of the foot, and the dorsal veins which drain the dorsal surface of the foot. The veins of the foot are susceptible to several pathologies, including corona phelbectatica, varicose veins, and venous ulcers .
Plantar venous drainage
Deep plantar venous arch
- formed from the four plantar metatarsal veins, which originate from a confluence of the plantar and dorsal digital veins
- once formed it continues proximally as the medial and lateral plantar veins which give rise to the posterior tibial and the peroneal veins
Dorsal venous drainage
Dorsal venous arch
- formed by the dorsal metatarsal veins, which also originate from the dorsal and plantar digital veins
- continues proximally as the medial and lateral marginal veins of the foot to become the great saphenous vein and small saphenous vein respectively