zervikale bronchogene Zyste

respiratory distress syndrome revealing a cervical bronchogenic cyst: a case report. Cervical thoracic MRI. Coronal T1-weighted sequence showing a voluminous left laterocervical mass displacing the trachea (a) and carotid-jugular axis (b). Axial T2-weighted sequence showing tracheal compression (a) and esophageal compression (b) by the cyst

respiratory distress syndrome revealing a cervical bronchogenic cyst: a case report. Postoperative endoscopy. Glottic region: anterior synechia (a) causing luminal stenosis of 50 %. Subglottic region: sutured tracheal wound (b) and inflammatory alterations causing grade 1 stenosis
zervikale bronchogene Zyste
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