There are both primary and secondary ossification centers that are involved in osteogenesis (formation of bone).
Primary ossification centers
- where bone first forms
- long bones (shaft or diaphysis)
- irregular bones (body)
Secondary ossification centers
- individual bones may have multiple centers
- usually found in epiphysis
Axial skeleton
- skull
- hyoid
- spine
- thorax
- ribs
- sternum
Appendicular skeleton
Upper limb
- pectoral girdle
- elbow
- wrist and hand
Lower limb
Pelvic girdle
Siehe auch:
- Os tibiale externum
- Os peroneum
- Os trigonum
- Os calcaneus secundarius
- Os subfibulare
- Os subtibiale
- Ossifikationszentren Ellenbogen
- akzessorische Suturen des Schädels
- sekundäre Ossifikationszentren
- ossification centers of the ankle
- primäre Ossifikationszentren
- ossification centers of the wrist
- Ossifikationszentren Sternum
- Skelettreife
- Ossifikationszentren Handwurzel
- occipital bone ossification centers
- Ossifikationszentren Schädel
- Ossifikationszentren Femurkondylus
- Ossifikationszentren Fußskelett
- accessory ossification centers
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Ossifikationszentren:
centers of the wrist