astrocytoma - MRI appearance. MRI T1W axial image shows a well-defined hypointense lesion with inner hypo-isointense area in left cerebellum.
astrocytoma - MRI appearance. MRI T2W axial image shows a well-defined hyperintense lesion with inner hypointense area noted in left cerebellum. The lesion shows mild perilesional oedema and causes compression over 4th ventricle resulting in mild hydrocephalus.
pilocytic astrocytoma: MR spectroscopy. Shows cystic lesion with eccentric enhancing mural nodule in posterior fossa
pilocytic astrocytoma: MR spectroscopy. T1WI shows hypointense lesion in the posterior fossa
pilocytic astrocytoma: MR spectroscopy. T2WI shows hyperintense lesion in posterior fossa with effaced 4th ventricle and triventricular hydrocephalus with eccenteric intermediate signal intensity solid component.
pilocytic astrocytoma: MR spectroscopy. Post contrast T1WI shows peripheral enhancing cystic lesion with eccentric mural nodule.
pilocytic astrocytoma: MR spectroscopy. MRS shows laclate doublet at 1.3ppm and elevated CHO peak at 3.2ppm and reduced NAA peak and increase cho/Cr and cho/NAA ratio.
Meningeom rechts infratentoriell (nicht histologisch bestätigt). Links im Fenster für das Hirnparenchym, rechts Knochenfenster.
metastases in Cowden’s disease: an autopsy case report and review of the literature. MRI findings in cerebellar dysplastic gangliocytoma. T1 (a) and T2 (b) weighted magnetic resonance images of the head. A striped pattern is seen in the right hemisphere of the cerebellum (arrowheads). The cerebral aqueduct is compressed
tumor with multilayered rosettes. Infratentorial midline tumour affecting the cerebellum and filling the fourth ventricle. The lesion is solid and hyperattenuating, with punctate calcifications and discrete cystic foci.
tumor with multilayered rosettes. Infratentorial tumour of the midline affecting the cerebellum and the fourth ventricle, with compression and displacement of the brainstem, and a poor cleavage plane with the vermis.
tumor with multilayered rosettes. Presence of low signal elements due to the presence of calcium and blood.
tumor with multilayered rosettes. Heterogeneous enhancement of the tumour is observed.
Siehe auch:
- Ependymom
- Hirnabszess
- Kleinhirninfarkt
- Hämangioblastom
- zystische Raumforderung hintere Schädelgrube
- Lhermitte-Duclos-Syndrom
- zerebelläres Gliom
- primäre Hirntumoren
- Cerebellitis
- Pilozytisches Astrozytom des Kleinhirns
und weiter:
- Pilozytisches Astrozytom
- infratentorielles Meningeom
- Hirntumoren
- Meningeom am Tentorium
- anaplastisches infratentorielles Ependymom
- cerebellar metastases
- infratentoriell supratentoriell
- infratentorielles pilozytisches Astrozytom
- Tumoren des vierten Ventrikels
- Embryonaler Tumor mit mehrreihigen Rosetten
- zystische zerebelläre Raumforderungen
- Ependymom des Vierten Ventrikels
- cerebellar medulloblastoma in childhood
- hemispheric medulloblastoma
- juveniles zerebelläres pilozytisches Astrozytom
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Kleinhirntumoren: