konnatale Zysten neben den Ventrikelvorderhörnern

Connatal cysts, also known as coarctation of the lateral ventricles or frontal horn cysts, are cystic areas adjacent to the superolateral margins of the body and frontal horns of the lateral ventricles and are believed to represent a normal variant.


The incidence is 0.7% in low birth weight preterm infants.


It was previously believed to be a sequela of different insults in the developing brain , however, it seems to be just a normal variant . The outward most part of the ventricle attains a rounded appearance when the ventricle walls are close enough and touching each other. This gives a cystic appearance sonographically.

Radiographic features

  • thin walled cysts in the superior and lateral aspect of frontal horn of lateral ventricle and anterior to the foramina of Monro
  • most often multiple cysts noted
  • a string of pearls appearance may be seen
  • regresses on follow up scan

Treatment and prognosis

They have been shown to regress on follow-up imaging.

Differential diagnosis

Considerations include:

See also

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