coracoclavicular ligament

The left
shoulder and acromioclavicular joints, and the proper ligaments of the scapula.

injury. Sagittal T2 images showing intact coraco-clavicular ligament.

injury. Sagittal T2 images showing intact coraco-clavicular ligament.
The coracoclavicular (CC) ligament is the major vertical stabilizing factor of the acromioclavicular joint.
Gross anatomy
The coracoclavicular ligament can be divided into two parts, the more medial conoid ligament and trapezoid ligament.
- conoid ligament
- origin: knuckle of the coracoid process of the scapula
- runs upward, forming an inverted cone as it widely attaches to the undersurface of the clavicle (around the conoid tubercle)
- trapezoid ligament
- origin: trapezoid ridge on the coracoid process of the scapula
- runs laterally and horizontally, attaching to the underside of the clavicle (to the similarly named, trapezoid ridge)
Radiographic features
The integrity of the CC ligament is inferred on plain radiographs by the coracoclavicular distance.
Related patholgy
Siehe auch:
- Tuberculum conoideum der Klavikula
- Ruptur Ligamentum coracoclaviculare
- Ligamentum coracohumerale
- Ossifikation Ligamentum coracoclaviculare
- Ligamentum coracoacromiale
- prominentes Tuberculum conoideum der Klavikula
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