Submental space

Imaging of
the sublingual and submandibular spaces. Anatomy of the submandibular and sublingual spaces in the axial plane: picture illustration and T1-weighted MR image

Imaging of
the sublingual and submandibular spaces. Anatomy of the submandibular and sublingual spaces in the coronal plane: picture illustration and T2-weighted MR image
The submental space is a deep compartment of the head and neck that lies in the midline submental triangle below the chin, medially to the submandibular spaces with which it freely communicates. Some authors include the submental space as a component of the submandibular or submaxillary space .
Gross anatomy
- superiorly: mylohyoid muscle
- inferiorly: superficial layer of the deep cervical fascia
- laterally: anterior bellies of the digastric muscles
- anteriorly: mandible
- posterior: hyoid bone
- anterior jugular vein
- submental lymph nodes (level Ia)
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