Malignant mixed germ cell tumor of the ovary

A malignant mixed germ cell tumor of the ovary is a subtype of ovarian germ cell tumor. These are not to be confused with malignant mixed Müllerian tumors of the ovary.
These tumors are rare. They most commonly affect adolescent women of reproductive age .
They are made up of mixed germ cell constituents. Ovarian dysgerminoma is a constituent in the majority of cases, and the mixed germ cell tumors can be subdivided into dysgerminomatous and nondygerminomatous tumors.
The most common components of nondysgerminomatous tumors are yolk sac and immature teratoma. Mixed germ cell tumors with embryonal carcinoma, nongestational choriocarcinoma, and polyembryoma components are less common.
See also
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