Candida Ösophagitis

in der Röntgenbreischluckuntersuchung. Induration mit Verminderung / Aufhebung der Peristaltik und Nischenbildung in den Ulcera.

School ager
who is immune suppressed with difficulty swallowing. Higher (left) and lower (right) AP images of the esophagus from an upper GI exam show there to be throughout the esophagus longitudinally oriented linear lesions which are separated by normal mucosa and small round ulcers.The diagnosis was candida esophagitis.
candida oesophagitis
Candida Ösophagitis
Siehe auch:
- Achalasie
- Systemische Sklerodermie
- Intramurale Pseudodivertikulose des Ösophagus
- Ösophagitis
- foamy oesophagus
- Pflastersteinrelief
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