carney complex

nicht verwechseln mit: Carney-Trias

Carney complex (not to be confused with the Carney triad) is a rare multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome characterized by :

  • cardiac myxoma
    • often multiple
    • seen in two-thirds of patients with Carney complex
  • skin pigmentation (blue nevi): especially of the face, trunk, lips, and sclera  

Multiple other features are also well recognized including:


Collectively there have been more than 750 cases of Carney complex reported worldwide however the exact prevalence is unknown . One study of 353 patients found a female predilection (63%) .


Carney complex has autosomal dominant inheritance with almost 100% penetrance, related to inactivating mutations or large deletions of the PRKAR1A tumor suppressor gene on chromosome 17q22-24 .


One way to remember the differentiation between the Carney triad and the Carney complex is that the Carney Complex has Cardiac findings (myxoma).

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