Cervical spine radiograph (checklist)
The cervical spine checklist is just one of the many pathology checklists that can be used when reporting to ensure that you always actively exclude pathology that is commonly missed; this is particularly helpful in the examination setting, e.g. the FRCR 2B rapid-reporting.
Although superseded by CT in many acute situations, the cervical spine is commonplace in an exam setting will have been primarily performed because of a history of trauma and/ or pain.
- craniocervical dissociation
- anterolithesis
- retrolisthesis
- atlantoaxial subluxation (flexion/ extension views)
- facet dislocation
- basilar invagination
Vertebral bodies
- odontoid fracture
- Jefferson fracture (pseudo-Jefferson fracture)
- hangman fracture
- extension teardrop fracture
- flexion teardrop fracture
- crowned dens
- pathological fracture
- wedge fracture
- ivory vertebrae
Posterior elements
Intervertebral discs/ endplates
- degenerative disc disease
- Modic type 3 endplate changes
- sickle cell disease
- ochronosis
- diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)
- ankylosing spondylitis - chalk stick fracture