CT in practice
Computed tomography (CT) is the most commonly used cross sectional imaging tool. This is a starting page for some general articles about CT:
- evolution of CT scanners
- CT protocol
- standardized reports
- review areas
- computed tomography (physics)
- high resolution CT
- dual energy CT
- clinical applications of dual energy CT
See also
Related Radiopaedia articles
CT examinations
- imaging in practice
- CT in practice
- iodinated contrast media
- myelography
- composite
- CT polytrauma (technique)
- CT polytrauma (approach)
- CT CAP (chest, abdomen and pelvis)
- CT NCAP (neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis)
- head & neck
- CT head
- CT venogram
- CT stroke protocol
- CTA circle of Willis
- CT perfusion
- CT orbits
- CT sinuses
- CT temporal bones
- CT neck
- CTA carotids
- chest
- CT chest
- CT pulmonary angiogram
- CTA chest
- cardiac CT
- cardiac CT (technique)
- cardiac CT (an approach)
- cardiac CT (standard report)
- abdomen & pelvis
- CT abdomen/pelvis
- CT abdominal aorta
- CT cholangiography
- CT colonography
- CT enteroclysis
- CT enterography
- CT gastrography
- CT KUB (technique)
- CT KUB (an approach)
- CT KUB (standard report)
- CT urogram
- CT urogram (technique)
- CT urogram (an approach)
- CT urogram (standard report)
- CT renal 4-phase/3-phase
- CT renal (lesion characterization)
- CT renal split bolus
- CTA mesenteric vessels
- CT pancreas
- CT liver
- liver transplantation protocol
- three phase
- four-phase
- skeletal
- CT cervical spine
- CT thoracolumbar spine
- CT whole spine
- CT shoulder
- CT pelvis
- CT hip
- CT knee
- CT ankle
- CT foot
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