
Lacrimal sac
• Dacryocystogram - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

epiphora after dacryocystorhinostomy surgery: Structural abnormalities identified with dacryocystography and long term outcomes of revision surgery. Images showing the different abnormalities seen on DCGs following DCR surgery. a right inferior canalicular block, b left common canalicular block, c right complete surgical anastamosis closure with closed sac remnant, d left complete surgical anastamosis closure with flow through the nasolacrimal duct, e right narrow anastomosis with narrow flow-stream into the nasal space, f right narrow and high anastamosis, g right narrow anastamosis with retained dye on erect x-ray, h right narrow anastamosis with dye also passing through the nasolacrimal duct

epiphora after dacryocystorhinostomy surgery: Structural abnormalities identified with dacryocystography and long term outcomes of revision surgery. DCG images showing drainage into the nasal sinuses. a + b left, c right. The left, dye filled an ethmoidal air cell as well as passing though the nasolacrimal duct

drainage system stenosis associated with Trastuzumab emtansine (Kadcyla®, T-DM1) administration: a case report. Dacryocystographic image of the patient showing multiple focal narrowing of nasolacrimal duct in right eye and diffuse narrowing of nasolacrimal duct in left eye
Dacryocystography (DCG) is a fluoroscopic contrast examination of the nasolacrimal apparatus. The nasolacrimal duct is cannulated enabling iodinated contrast to be instilled into the nasolacrimal system.
The most frequent indication is epiphora: excessive tearing or watering of the eye(s).
Equipment is similar to that used to perform a sialogram.
One suggested technique:
CT and MRI dacryocystography have also been described .
Siehe auch:
- Ductus nasolacrimalis
- Dacryocystitis
- Saccus lacrimalis
- Epiphora
- Mukozele des Tränensacks
- Tränenwege
- Tränengangsobstruktion
- Mukozele des Ductus nasolacrimalis
- Dacryolithiasis
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