Echinokokkose der Milz

isolated hydatid cyst of the spleen: total splenectomy versus spleen saving surgical modalities. CT scan sagittal view showing a splenic hydatid cyst of 16 cm diameter

Management of
abdomen hydatidosis after rupture of a hydatid splenic cyst: a case report. CT scan demonstrating floating membrane in the splenic cyst and multiple cysts in the peritoneal cavity.

problems with parasitic and non-parasitic splenic cysts. CT view of the different cyst. A) Cystic lenfangiomas B) Epidermoid cyst C) Cyst hidatic.

Rupture of an
echinococcal cyst within the colon in a case of disseminated abdominal cystic echinococcosis. The left hepatic lobe contains an inhomogeneous cyst (CE4). A large splenic cyst (CE1) is just below visible.

Rupture of an
echinococcal cyst within the colon in a case of disseminated abdominal cystic echinococcosis. Uniloculated hepatic cyst and large splenic cyst with irregular border and hyperattenuating septum, consistent for contained rupture.

Rupture of an
echinococcal cyst within the colon in a case of disseminated abdominal cystic echinococcosis. The hepatic cyst shows hyperattenuating rim on caudal level.