fetal complete atrioventricular block (CAVB)

Fetal congenital complete heart block (CAVB) is a rare cardiac conduction abnormality that is associated with high morbidity and mortality. It is considered the commonest of fetal bradyarrhymias.


The estimated prevalence of complete heart block in newborns is at ~1 in 20,000.


It results from either anatomic or electric discontinuity in the conducting tissues connecting the atria and ventricles. Congenital heart block is often classified into cases with cardiac structural abnormalities (often complex) and those with structurally normal hearts.

The etiology of congenital heart block when the heart is structurally normal is most often a fetal autoinflammatory response, caused by the binding of antibodies to the fetal cardiac conduction system.


Radiographic features

Ultrasound: echocardiography

On M mode ultrasound the atrial impulses can be seen in their own rate none of which are transmitted to the ventricles. The ventricular rates are often very slow at ~40-70 bpm.

Treatment and prognosis

The prognosis of complete heart block is worsened by the presence of hydrops, a ventricular rate of <55 bpm, and an associated cardiac anomaly.

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