Gradenigo syndrome

der Felsenbeinspitze rechts mit Permeation nach intrakraniell und Gasnachweis hier. CT im Knochenfenster axial.

apicitis • Petrous apicitis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Gradenigo syndrome consists of the triad of:
- petrous apicitis
- abducens nerve palsy, secondary to involvement of the nerve as it passes through Dorello canal
- retro-orbital pain, or pain in the cutaneous distribution of the frontal and maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve, due to extension of inflammation into Meckel cave
Common pathogens are Pseudomonas and Enterococcus spp.
History and etymology
It was first described in 1907 by Giuseppe Conte Gradenigo (1859-1926), Italian otolaryngologist .
Siehe auch:
- Cholesterolgranulom der Felsenbeinspitze
- Läsionen der Felsenbeinspitze
- Nervus trigeminus
- Chondrosarkom
- Hirnabszess
- Sinusthrombose
- Meningitis
- Glomus jugulare Tumor
- Mucocele
- subdurales Empyem
- Luft im Sinus cavernosus
- akute Otomastoiditis
- Chordom am Clivus
- Nervus abducens
- congenital cholesteatoma
- Flüssigkeit im Apex petrosus
- Osteomyelitis der Schädelbasis
- Cholesteatom der Felsenbeinspitze
- einschmelzende Mastoiditis
- Pyramidenspitzen-Osteomyelitis
- Sinus cavernosus Thrombose
- dorello's canal
und weiter:

der Felsenbeinspitze