Inferior thyroid artery

treatment of massive hemorrhage arising from inferior thyroid artery after fine needle aspiration of thyroid: a case report. a Right subclavian angiography shows active bleeding (red arrow) in the neck, corresponding to the CT image. b Right thyrocervical trunk is selected and the culprit branch is identified as the right inferior thyroid artery (red arrow head)

treatment of massive hemorrhage arising from inferior thyroid artery after fine needle aspiration of thyroid: a case report. After superselection of the right ITA using microcatheter, embolization of the right ITA is performed using NBCA, and a post-embolization angiogram reveals successful hemostasis without active bleeding

thyroid artery pseudoaneurysm associated with internal jugular vein puncture: a case report. Radiological imaging. A showing a pseudoaneurysm fed from the inferior thyroid artery; B showing the embolization the orificium fistulae of the right inferior thyroid with a cook clip, no more hemorrhage was observed under digital subtraction angiography.
The inferior thyroid artery is a branch of the thyrocervical trunk (85%) or subclavian artery (15%) and ascends to enter the thyroid gland on its posterior surface, as well as supplying both the superior and inferior parathyroid glands .
If the artery arises from the subclavian artery, it may be known as the accessory inferior thyroid artery.
The artery is closely related to the ascending limb of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, variably crossing it anteriorly or posteriorly .
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