maligne Tumoren des Herzen

cardiac metastatic angiosarcoma. Images demonstrate the heterogeneous signal intensity intracardiac mass connected to the posterolateral wall of the right atrium, which appears to be infiltrated (arrows), with signs of extra-auricular extension. There is also pleural effusion (asterisks).

incidental cardiac disease on thoracic CT: what the general radiologist needs to know. Axial contrast-enhanced CT demonstrates a mass (black arrows) involving the right atrium and ventricle, (later confirmed to be angiosarcoma by histology) on axial contrast enhanced CT and reformatted images in a 27-year-old female being investigated for possible pulmonary embolism (shortness of breath and dizziness)

incidental cardiac disease on thoracic CT: what the general radiologist needs to know. Axial CT with contrast demonstrates nodules and masses (black arrows) in the interventricular septum and the left ventricular free myocardial wall, in a 78-year-old male patient with metastatic malignant melanoma. There is also a large necrotic lymph node in the left mediastinum adjacent to the cardiac implants