Mickey Maus Zeichen

supranuclear palsy • Progressive supranuclear palsy - with hummingbird or penguin sign - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Mickey Mouse
sign (disambiguation) • Hutch diverticulum - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Mickey Mouse
sign (disambiguation) • Mickey Mouse sign in Paget Disease - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

supranuclear palsy • Progressive supranuclear palsy: with mickey mouse sign - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Down syndrome
• Down syndrome - "mickey mouse" pelvis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
In medical imaging literature, a Mickey Mouse appearance has been given to imaging features that depict that of Mickey Mouse when viewed from the front. It has been described in the following:
- anencephaly
- progressive supranuclear palsy
- synonymously with a finger in glove sign
- the flared shape of the iliac wings on pelvic radiograph in Down syndrome
- at the groin: normal femoral artery bifurcation, with an enlarged and incompressible femoral vein characteristic of recent venous thrombosis
- Paget disease: if there is increased radiotracer uptake on the bone scan in the spinous process and pedicles
- the configuration of the portal triad in short axis on a biliary ultrasound scan, with the portal vein comprising Mickey's "head" and the common bile duct and hepatic artery as his right and left "ears", respectively
- Hutch diverticulum: in delayed contrast study (IVU/CT), the appearance of bilateral smooth, walled posterolateral outpouching from urinary bladder adjacent to the vesicoureteric junction bilaterally
Siehe auch:
- Kolibri-Zeichen Mittelhirn
- Progressive supranukleäre Blickparese
- Morning glory Zeichen Mittelhirn
- Anenzephalie
- mickey mouse appearance in Down syndrome
- Finger in Handschuh Bild
- beidseitiges periureterales Divertikel der Harnblase (Hutch-Divertikel)
und weiter:

periureterales Divertikel der Harnblase (Hutch-Divertikel)