middle mediastinum
The middle mediastinum is an artificial space of the mediastinum divided from the remainder of the extra-pleural intrathoracic cavity by arbitrary lines. It forms the largest component of the inferior mediastinum.
Gross anatomy
- superiorly: superior mediastinum, divided by the thoracic plane
- anteriorly: anterior mediastinum
- posteriorly: posterior mediastinum
- pericardium
- heart
- great vessels joining the heart
- ascending aorta
- pulmonary trunk
- the lower half of the superior vena cava
- tracheal bifurcation and both main bronchi
- phrenic nerves
- cardiac plexus
- tracheobronchial lymph nodes
Related pathology
- malignancy
- lymphadenopathy
- hiatus hernia
- thoracic aortic aneurysm
- thyroid mass
- bronchogenic cysts
- esophageal duplication cysts
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