Neurofibromatoses (NF) comprise a number of clinically and genetically distinct inherited conditions that carry a high risk of tumor formation. They fall under the wider classification of phakomatoses. The tumors particularly involve the central and peripheral nervous systems:
Siehe auch:
und weiter:
- multiple zystische Lungenherde
- Café-au-lait-Fleck
- Beckwith-Wiedemann-Syndrom
- Drusen der Papilla nervi optici
- Proteus-Syndrom
- conditions involving skin and bone
- mass involving the foramen of Monro or/and superior third ventricle
- Hemihyperplasie
- sporadisches Neurofibrom
- thorakale Meningozele
- gracile bones (mnemonic)
- very bizarre generalised lesions (mnemonic)
- intraspinales Schwannom
- intracranial findings in neurofibromatosis type 1
- Kongenitale Pseudarthrose der Tibia
- Neurofibromatose der Mamma
- cutaneous neurofibromas
- Elephantiasis
- thoracic meningocele in a patient with neurofibromatosis
- Mid-Aortic-Syndrom
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Neurofibromatose: