Push back to draft

Push back to draft is a feature that allows Radiopaedia.org's editors to return a published case to draft mode. Whenever a case is pushed back into draft mode, the editor is required to contact the user explaining as to why.

The decision to push back to draft is inherently subjective but there are some cases that should always be pushed back (see absolute indications below). If the edits required are minor then the editor should make them and publish, or if more substantial edits are required then the editor should start on some of them, push back to draft and contact the user.

If a case is pushed back to draft, then any image from that case that was featured in an article will disappear from that article. The cases in the article should be renumbered, if appropriate.

Absolute indications

  • text
    • patient details (content with patient details should be deleted) 
    • plagiarism
    • lack of findings
  • images
    • poor image quality
    • individual images that should be stacks
    • multiple modalities in one study
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