Tumoren des hinteren Mediastinums

Castleman disease. Posteroanterior chest X-ray demonstrates a left paravertebral mass, of smooth contours, that follows the left paraspinal line.

posterior mediastinal yolk sac tumour in a two-year-old girl. Heterogeneous mass with the extension into the pleural cavity and inferiorly into the liver. Aerated lung and small amount of collapsed lung are at the superior aspect of the mass.

posterior mediastinal yolk sac tumour in a two-year-old girl. heterogeneous echogenic mass (arrow) in the right pleural cavity surrounded by pleural fluid (star).

posterior mediastinal yolk sac tumour in a two-year-old girl. Heterogeneous attenuation mass causing the left shift of the heart (arrow).

School ager
with cough and fever. CXR PA and lateral (above) shows a right sided chest mass in the posterior mediastinum. Axial CT with contrast of the chest (below) shows a homogeneous mass, of fat density, with a few septations, in the right posterior mediastinum causing some anterior displacement of the right mainstem bronchus.The diagnosis was lipoblastoma in the posterior mediastinum.
Tumoren des hinteren Mediastinums
Siehe auch:
- Hiatushernie
- Chordom
- Neuroblastom
- Lymphom
- Schwannom
- extramedulläre Hämatopoese
- Phäochromozytom
- Neurofibrom
- maligner peripherer Nervenscheidentumor (MPNST)
- neuroenterische Zyste
- Bochdalek'sche Hernie
- Duplikationszyste des Ösophagus
- benignes Ganglioneurom
- Lymphadenopathie
- neurogenic tumours
- neuroblastic tumours
und weiter:
- Osteomyelofibrose
- Morbus Castleman
- mediastinale Raumforderungen
- Liposarkom des Mediastinums
- posterior mediastinal mass in the exam
- hinteres Mediastinum
- pleomorphic liposarcoma of the posterior mediastinum
- primary liposarcoma of the posterior mediastinum
- Yolk sac tumour arising within the posterior mediastinum