
Infant with a
blue belly button. AXR lateral shows mildly dilated loops of bowel from the stomach to the rectum, including a loop of bowel located anteriorly within the umbilicus.The diagnosis was umbilical hernia.

hernia • Umbilical hernia - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

hernia • Umbilical hernia - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

hernia • Strangulated umbilical hernia - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

hernia • Umbilical hernia - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

hernia • Incarcerated umbilical hernia - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

hernia • Incarcerated umbilical hernia - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Small bowel
obstruction • Umbilical hernia causing small bowel obstruction - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

hernia • Giant umbilical hernia- colon, ileum, and appendix - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

hernia • Congenital umbilical hernia - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

A woman with
recurrent umbilical bleeding: a case report. Sagittal computed tomography of the abdomen revealing an umbilical hernia (blue arrow) with fat superior to the umbilicus and hernia
Umbilical hernias (alternative plural: herniae) are the most common ventral abdominal wall hernia and occur in the midline through the umbilicus.
Ten times more common in females and represent ~5% of all abdominal hernias .
Clinical presentation
Umbilical hernias may present in the midline as a painless or painful mass.
Umbilical hernias may be congenital or acquired :
- congenital: physiological herniation through the umbilicus occurs during the 10th week of gestation and congenital umbilical hernias occur when there is incomplete closure of the anterior abdominal wall after the gut returns to the abdominal cavity
- acquired: more common in adults
- risk factors: obesity, multiparity, ascites, large intra-abdominal mass
Umbilical hernias commonly contain fat, mesentery, small and/or large bowel.
Treatment and prognosis
There is a high rate of strangulation and incarceration of bowel and Richter hernias are common. Bowel obstruction is common and can be also be complicated by bowel ischemia.
Differential diagnosis
See also
Siehe auch:
- paraumbilical hernia
- inkarzerierte Nabelhernie
- epigastrische Hernie
- supraumbilicales Serom
- umbilikale Endometriose
- spontane Aszitesentleerung über Nabelhernie
- Nabelgranulom
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