Varianten der Pulmonalvenen

wandering inferior pulmonary veins. Posterioanterior view

wandering inferior pulmonary veins. 3D reconstruction of pulmonary venous tree. Anterior view.

wandering inferior pulmonary veins. 3D reconstruction of pulmonary venous tree. Posterior oblique view

review of the pulmonary vasculature: from arteries to veins. Pulmonary venous variant. a Three-dimensional reconstruction of a contrast-enhanced CT shows normal pulmonary venous anatomy with two right and two left pulmonary veins draining into the left atrium. b Axial CT image showing the most common variant of pulmonary venous anatomy, a fusion of the left pulmonary veins prior to entry in the left atrium (*). c Three-dimensional reconstruction shows a fusion of the left superior and inferior pulmonary veins with a shared ostium (*)

Correction of
the scimitar syndrome, a rare cardiac venous anomaly, leading to Budd–Chiari syndrome: a case report. Scimitar sign. Coronal contrast-enhanced computed tomography shows the anomalous drainage of the right pulmonary vein into the inferior vena cava, representing the scimitar sign on conventional radiography.