emergencies: another important cause of acute chest pain. Acute esophagitis. Fifty-year-old male with diffuse chest pain and mild fever. Sagittal CT image show diffuse circumferential wall thickening with mild enhancement involving almost entire esophagus (arrows). Intraluminal fluid (asterisk) is noted
• Esophagitis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
in der Röntgenbreischluckuntersuchung. Induration mit Verminderung / Aufhebung der Peristaltik und Nischenbildung in den Ulcera.
Esophagitis refers to inflammation of the esophagus. It can arise from a range of causes which include:
- infective esophagitis
- non-infective esophagitis
Radiographic features
Radiographic signs of esophagitis depend on the fluoroscopic technique used, but include :
- mucosal irregularity
- erosions and ulcerations
- abnormal motility
- thickened esophageal folds (>3 mm)
- limited esophageal distensibility
- esophageal strictures
- intramural pseudodiverticulosis
- ulcers are a hallmark finding of esophagitis
- small ulcers (<1 cm)
- reflux esophagitis
- Herpes esophagitis
- acute radiation-induced esophagitis
- drug-induced esophagitis
- benign mucus membrane pemphigoid
- larger ulcers (>1 cm)
- small ulcers (<1 cm)
Siehe auch:
- Intramurale Pseudodivertikulose des Ösophagus
- postaktinische Ösophagitis
- candida oesophagitis
- gastroösophageale Refluxerkrankheit
- eosinophile Ösophagitis
- kaustische Ösophagitis
- Morbus Crohn des Ösophagus
- virale Ösophagitis
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Ösophagitis: