Mesenteric desmoid tumor
Mesenteric desmoid tumors are a subtype of desmoid tumors.
Desmoids are cytologically bland tumors that appear as infiltrative, well-demarcated tumors that are derived from musculo-aponeurotic structures throughout the body.
- in the mesentery, the masses may occur sporadically or be associated with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
- Gardner syndrome
Siehe auch:
- Gardner-Syndrom
- Mesenterium
- Neoplasien des Mesenteriums
- Desmoid-Tumor - aggressive Fibromatose
- Familiäre adenomatöse Polyposis
- gastrointestinal carcinoid
- Fibromatose
- Desmoid-Tumor des Mesenteriums
- Desmoid-Tumor des Abdomens
- extrabdominale Fibromatosen
und weiter:

- aggressive Fibromatose