Desmoid-Tumor des Mesenteriums
desmoid tumor of the interposed jejunal pouch after total gastrectomy. Computed tomography (CT) shows round-shaped solid mass at the right side of the reconstructed jejunal pouch, and invaded into pancreas (arrow).
desmoid tumor of the interposed jejunal pouch after total gastrectomy. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a low signal intensity of the mass in both T1-weighted (left) and T2-weighted images (right).
Mesenteric desmoid tumors are a subtype of desmoid tumors.
Desmoids are cytologically bland tumors that appear as infiltrative, well-demarcated tumors that are derived from musculo-aponeurotic structures throughout the body.
- in the mesentery, the masses may occur sporadically or be associated with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP)
- Gardner syndrome
Siehe auch:
- Gardner-Syndrom
- Mesenterium
- Neoplasien des Mesenteriums
- Familiäre adenomatöse Polyposis
- Desmoid-Tumor - aggressive Fibromatose
- gastrointestinal carcinoid
- Fibromatose
- Desmoid-Tumor des Abdomens
- extrabdominale Fibromatosen
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu Desmoid-Tumor des Mesenteriums:
- aggressive Fibromatose