zystisches Lymphangiom des Mesenterium

cystic lymphangioma. CT with i.v. contrast shows a mesenteric cystic mass with thin-walled septation.

cystic lymphangioma. CT with i.v. contrast shows a mesenteric cystic mass - density of the fluid within the lesion was 8-10 HU.

cystic lymphangioma in adult: a case series and review of the literature. MRI of the abdomen. Axial (a) and coronal (b) T2-weighted TSE images showed the presence of a fluid-filled cystic lesion with a diameter of 35 mm in the retrocecal adipose tissue.

cystic lymphangioma in adult: a case series and review of the literature. MRI of the abdomen. Axial (a) and coronal (b) T2-weighted TSE images showed the presence of a huge fluid-filled mass with internal septa located in the hepato-renal space extending from the hepatic hilum to the right colon and displacing medially the second duodenal segment and anteriorly the hepatic flexure of the colon.

cystic lymphangioma in adult: a case series and review of the literature. CT of the abdomen. Axial (a) and MPR coronal (b) CT images showed a huge mass composed by multiple confluent cystic lesions occupying the peritoneal spaces and displacing inferiorly the small bowel.

cystic lymphangioma in adult: a case series and review of the literature. MRI of the abdomen. Fluid - filled mass (18x12 cm) with internal septa located between the stomach and the pancreas with lateral extension in the hepatorenal space.

laparoscopic-assisted resection for a large abdominal cystic lymphangioma: a case report. Imaging studies. a Computed tomography of the abdomen. Coronal (a), sagittal (b), and axial (c) images show a well-defined, rounded mass measuring 10 cm along the greatest dimension (arrows). b T2-weighted fast spin echo magnetic resonance image of the abdomen. Coronal (a), sagittal (b), and axial (c) images show a well-defined, rounded mass measuring 10 cm along the greatest dimension (arrows), indicative of a mesenteric cyst

lymphangioma in the peripheral jejunal mesentery in an adult and excision with laparoscopic-assisted surgery: a case report. Findings of the CT scan performed in February. a A low-density mass showing an irregular outline and measuring 45 × 42 mm in size was detected; the mass was in contact with the jejunum in the left abdomen at the slightly cranial level of the umbilicus, as seen on plain CT. The oral side of the jejunum did not show dilatation. b In the contrast-enhanced image, the tumor lacked contrast. The tumor involved the peripheral artery (white arrowhead), indicating that the tumor developed in the mesentery of the jejunum; however, the adjacent jejunum showed good enhancement

lymphangioma in the peripheral jejunal mesentery in an adult and excision with laparoscopic-assisted surgery: a case report. Findings of the CT scan performed in March. a The low-density mass showed no increase in size, and the mass did not show contrast in the enhanced phase. Some lower-density components were observed inside of the low-density mass. b CT enhancement revealed apparent tumor invasion of the wall of the jejunum (white arrowhead) without ischemia in the adjacent jejunum or dilatation of the oral side of the bowel

lymphangioma in the peripheral jejunal mesentery in an adult and excision with laparoscopic-assisted surgery: a case report. MRI findings. a MRI showed the mass with intermediate intensity on T1WI (white arrowhead). b The enhanced phase on T1WI showed the mass with a relatively low intensity (white arrowhead). c On T2WI, the mass was depicted as a high-intensity tumor (white arrowhead). d Coronal view on T1WI. The irregularly shaped mass with a low signal intensity compressed the adjacent jejunum (white arrowhead). e Coronal view on T2WI. An accumulation of cystic lesions with a variety of sizes was more clearly depicted (white arrowhead)
zystisches Lymphangiom des Mesenterium
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- Lymphangiom
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