Deep inguinal ring

The inguinal canal is a passage in the anterior abdominal wall that transmits structures from the pelvis to the perineum formed by the fetal migration of the gonad from the abdomen into the labioscrotal folds.
Gross anatomy
The inguinal canal has an oblique course, is 4 cm in length and has two openings:
Deep inguinal ring
The deep inguinal ring is bounded by the following:
- laterally by the angle between the transversus abdominis and inguinal ligament.
- medially lies the inferior epigastric vessels.
Superficial inguinal ring
The superficial inguinal ring, as described, is an inverted 'V' shaped, triangular opening in the medial end of the external oblique aponeurosis, above and lateral to the pubic tubercle. The lateral arm of the 'V' is the lateral crus and its medial arm, the medial crus. The spermatic cord (in males)/round ligament (in females) overlies the pubic tubercle.
- lateral crus of the 'V' is attached to the pubic tubercle
- medial crus of the 'V' is attached to the pubic crest, near the symphysis.
- posterior crus arises from the attachment of the lateral crus, whereby some fibers (reflected part of the inguinal ligament) pass up behind the cord to attach to the rectus sheath, blending with fibers of the opposite side
The following structures contribute to the walls of the inguinal canal :
- superior wall (roof): internal oblique muscle and transversus abdominis muscle
- anterior wall: external oblique aponeurosis and internal oblique aponeurosis
- inferior wall (floor): inguinal ligament and lacunar ligament
- posterior wall: transversalis fascia and conjoint tendon
MALT is a mnemonic to recall this.
- males & females: ilioinguinal nerve, genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
- males: spermatic cord (and contents)
- females: round ligament
Related pathology
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