Duplikatur des Uterus

A very
uncommon duplicity. Transabdominal ultrasound image of double bladder (B) and uterus (U).

A very
uncommon duplicity. T2 TSE coronal and axial images show double uterus (asterisks), duplication of vagina (arrowheads) and anus (arrows).

A very
uncommon duplicity. T2 TSE coronal and axial images show double bilateral ureteropelvic systems (arrowheads) and two bladders (asterisks).

A very
uncommon duplicity. The image on the left shows a splenic flexure of the colon (red arrow) and the right shows the splenic flexure of the doubled colon (white arrow).

duplication anomalies • Bicornuate uterus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

duplication anomalies • Bicornuate uterus - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

duplication anomalies • Septate uterus with ovarian pathologies - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

duplication anomalies • Bicornuate uterus with triamniotic dichorionic triplet pregnancy (3D ultrasound) - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

duplication anomalies • Partial bicornuate uterus with bilateral tubal block - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia
Uterine duplication anomalies are a group of Müllerian duct anomalies where fusion of the Müllerian duct associated structures fail to some degree:
- uterus didelphys: class III
- bicornuate uterus: class IV (second commonest duplication anomaly)
- septate uterus: class V (commonest duplication anomaly)
See also
Siehe auch:
- Uterus didelphys
- Fehlbildungen der Gebärmutter
- Müllerian duct anomaly classification
- Uterus septus
- Uterus bicornis
- kaudales Duplikationssyndrom
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