
Teenager with
abdominal pain after liver biopsy. Transverse (above) and sagittal (below) US of the gallbladder show it to be diffusely filled with echogenic material.The diagnosis was hemobilia as a complication from liver biopsy.

A case of
biliary cystic tumor with repeated hemobilia. Abdominal contrast computed tomography (post-transcatheter arterial embolization [TAE]) and magnetic resonance imaging findings. (a) Computed tomography scan showed a low-density hepatic lesion measuring 15 cm in diameter with mural nodules. These nodules were contrast-enhanced. The TAE coils were observed. (b) T1-weighted image showed a low-intensity mass, except for the mural nodules. (c) T2-weighted image demonstrated high signals from the mural nodules.

A case of
biliary cystic tumor with repeated hemobilia. Transcatheter arterial embolization sequence as shown in a right hepatic angiography. The angiography also demonstrated hypervascular lesions in the cystic tumor.

Case report:
acute pancreatitis caused by postcholecystectomic hemobilia. pseudoaneurysm.
Hemobilia refers to the presence of blood in the biliary tree.
Clinical presentation
The classical clinical triad, only seen in ~50% of cases, consists of:
- iatrogenic: surgical or percutaneous procedures (~67%)
- trauma (~5%)
- associated with pseudoaneurysm formation from central liver trauma
- may manifest several (2-4) weeks after the initial injury
- vascular malformations (7%)
- e.g. hepatic artery aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation
- can cause massive hemobilia
- malignancy (e.g. hepatocellular carcinoma - most common, gallbladder metastases)
- abscess formation
- gastrointestinal bleed due to gallstones
Radiographic features
Ultrasound is often the first investigation and reveals echogenic material in the bile ducts and dilated gallbladder.
- high-attenuation clot within the bile ducts
Siehe auch:
- Gallenblasenkarzinom
- Aneurysma spurium Arteria hepatica
- transjuguläre Leberbiopsie
- Leberverletzungen
- Mirizzi-Syndrom
- percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC)
- arterio-portal fistula
und weiter:

transhepatic cholangiography (PTC)