HIV associated neoplasms
HIV-associated neoplasms are numerous and can be broadly divided into two groups:
- AIDS-defining malignancies
- associated but not AIDS defining malignancies
AIDS-defining malignancies
The development of these malignancies in HIV affected individuals generally implies progression to AIDS :
- Kaposi sarcoma: most common
- non Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL): second most common
- several types of B-cell non Hodgkin's lymphoma are AIDS-defining malignancies, including
- few rare types of non Hodgkin's lymphoma are more common in HIV-infected patients such as
- primary effusion lymphoma
- plasmablastic lymphoma
- multicentric Castleman disease
- cervical carcinoma
Associated but not AIDS-defining malignancies
These may be HIV-associated but development does not necessarily imply progression to AIDS:
- bronchogenic carcinoma
- colorectal cancer
- testicular cancer
- Hodgkin disease
- cutaneous malignancies
Siehe auch:
- Lungenkarzinom
- Kolorektales Karzinom
- Zervixkarzinom
- Morbus Hodgkin
- Angiosarkom des Herzens
- CNS manifestations of AIDS
- musculoskeletal manifestations of AIDS
- cardiovascular manifestations of AIDS
- pulmonary manifestations of AIDS
- AIDS defining illnesses
- maligne Neoplasien des Hodens
- Kaposisarkom
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