Hypertension refers to an increase in blood pressure above the 'normal' for the age, sex, and ethnicity of the patient. This can be specified according to the vascular system involved. Although generally when it is not specified it is assumed to refer to the systemic type.
Siehe auch:
und weiter:
- Aortenelongation
- Ektasie Aorta ascendens
- Aneurysma
- Nierenarterienstenose
- Kardiomegalie
- Epistaxis
- Turner-Syndrom
- Dissektion
- multi-infarct dementia
- left ventricular enlargement
- hypertensive Hirnblutung
- true aneurysm
- peripheral arterial disease
- thoracic aortic dilatation
- vascular pathology
- multiple arterielle Dissektionen
- Hypertonus
- Page Niere
- Elongation der Arteria vertebralis
- Aortenelongation arterielle Hypertonie
- Elongation der Arteria carotis