intraconal orbital compartment
The intraconal orbital compartment or intraconal space is the conical space within the orbit and musculofascial cone, the base of which is anterior and is formed by the posterior half of the globe. The sides are formed by the extraocular muscles and their surrounding fascia which pass posteriorly and converge on the tendinous ring at the orbital apex. External to this space is the extraconal space.
- nerves
- optic nerve (CN II)
- oculomotor nerve (CN III)
- superior division
- inferior division (with motor root to the ciliary ganglion)
- nasociliary nerve and its intraconal branches (a branch of CN Va)
- long ciliary nerves
- short ciliary nerves
- small communicating branch of the ciliary ganglion (sensory root to the ciliary ganglion)
- abducens nerve (CN VI)
- ciliary ganglion
- ophthalmic artery
- intraconal branches
- central retinal artery
- short posterior ciliary arteries
- long posterior ciliary arteries
- muscular branches
- extraconal branches with intraconal origin
- intraconal branches
- fat
See also
Siehe auch:
- extraocular muscles
- Nervus opticus
- ophthalmic artery
- Nervus oculomotorius
- Annulus of Zinn
- lacrimal artery
- Nervus abducens
- CN Va
und weiter:
Assoziationen und Differentialdiagnosen zu intraconal orbital compartment: