Liponekrosen Mamma

nach Operation und Plasmazellmastitis mit typisch lanzettförmigen Verkalkungen in der Mammographie einer alten Frau.

microcystica calcificans. Multiple clustered ring enhancing lesions at the site of mammographic abnormality.

microcystica calcificans. Multiple areas of fat containing cysts with interval development of rim calcification

microcystica calcificans. Multiple areas of fat containing cysts with interval development of rim calcification

microcystica calcificans. Mammogram revealed multiple lucent lesions in left breast.

microcystica calcificans. Complex solid cystic lesion with thick wall and mural nodule.

Fat necrosis
(breast) • Fat necrosis breast - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

microcystica calcificans. Multiple clustered area of rim calcification with central lucent center

microcystica calcificans. Multiple hypointense nodules with surrounding hyperintensity on T2 fat supressed images , repressent fat within the lesions.

microcystica calcificans. Multiple T2 hyperintense nodule with hypointense rim.

microcystica calcificans. Multiple T1 hyperintense nodules with hypointense rim.

Fat necrosis
(breast) • Fat necrosis - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

microcystica calcificans. Multiple areas of fat containing cysts with interval development of rim calcification

microcystica calcificans. Multiple areas of fat containing cysts with interval development of rim calcification

Fat necrosis
(breast) • Fat necrosis - breast - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

microcystica calcificans. Multiple clustered area of rim calcification with central lucent center

microcystica calcificans. Multiple clustered area of rim calcification with central lucent center

Fat necrosis
(breast) • Fat necrosis in both breasts - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

microcystica calcificans. Multiple clustered area of rim calcification with central lucent center

microcystica calcificans. Complex solid cystic lesion with thick wall and mural nodule.

Fat necrosis
(breast) • Surgical scar of the breast - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Fat necrosis
(breast) • Fat necrosis - breast - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Fat necrosis
mimicking malignancy in a man with gynaecomastia. Left breast craniocaudal projection. Spiculated dense retroareolar breast mass. Also signs of gynaecomastia.

große, verkalkte Liponekrose der Mamma nach Reduktionsplastik. Daneben weitere kleine solche.

Fat necrosis
(breast) • Fat necrosis left breast - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

nach Operation und Plasmazellmastitis mit typisch lanzettförmigen Verkalkungen in der Mammographie einer alten Frau.

Fat necrosis
(breast) • Fat necrosis of the breast - Ganzer Fall bei Radiopaedia

Mimickers of
breast malignancy: imaging findings, pathologic concordance and clinical management. Fat necrosis. A 52-year-old woman with remote history of mastopexy presented with a palpable breast mass. Mediolateral oblique mammogram (a) shows an irregular mass with spiculated margins, associated coarse rim calcifications (solid arrow), and focal skin thickening (dashed arrow). Longitudinal grayscale ultrasound (b) shows a non-parallel irregular hypoechoic mass (arrow). Fat-suppressed axial post-contrast T1-weighted breast MRI (c) shows an irregular mass with spiculated margins (arrow) with associated singal void artifact related to post-biopsy clip marker. Ultrasound-guided biopsy showed fat necrosis. Repeat biopsy under MRI guidance confirmed the diagnosis of fat necrosis
Liponecrosis in breast refers to areas of mammary fat necrosis with associated dystrophic calcification. It is further divided into:
- liponecrosis microcystica calcificans: <3 mm
- liponecrosis macrocystica calcificans: >3 mm
Radiographic features
Mammographic features are radiolucent round/oval lesions with small areas of dystrophic calcification which are often spherical and related to areas of previous breast trauma or surgery.
See also
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